Phantasy Star IV - French Translation

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Phantasy Star IV - French Translation

Postby bge » Thu Jan 17, 2019 8:48 pm


My partner in crime galletteuh (not on this board yet I believe) and I have completed a French translation of Phantasy Star IV.

You will find the page on, here:

The translation aims at being somewhat beyond a straight translation and attempts to bring forth the personality of the characters a bit better than the original English translation.

But no worries, we're both fans of the game and the universe and worked hard to make everything stay in character.

Feedback welcome, except on the item names that are still uppercase (because we have plans to solve this later, so don't bother reporting that) and the overuse of abbreviations (I resized some windows late in the project, but much of the translation had been done by then).

Props to lory1990 for his disassembly, I wouldn't have started that project without his work.

Feel free to post in English or French, obviously I'm fluent in both or I'd have been a poor translator
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