Possible graphic modding for PC version.

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Possible graphic modding for PC version.

Postby The HuBBs » Mon Jun 23, 2008 8:34 pm

I was playing around with the Borris ENDseries graphic mod for RE4 pc edition and after reading his site wondered if i can apply it to other games. Well apparently its possible to use it on PSU singleplayer mode. the game does crash before the sega logo appears but it makes me wonerif its really possible with some tweaking. however I feel no need to tweak it, so maybe I can let on of you youngins do it.

Borris' ENBseries mod usually enchances the graphics in terms of lighting, blooming effects, shadowing, water, reflection and more.

It makes RE4 look like it was made for the 360/ps3. However due note that it does need alot of power.

Linkage ----->http://boris-vorontsov.narod.ru/download_en.htmhttp://boris-vorontsov.narod.ru/download_en.htm
-----I am HuBBs-----

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The HuBBs
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Postby thriwren » Mon Jun 23, 2008 11:12 pm

You know what I was looking for some PSU mods this past weekend. No luck, but this does look promising.
Thriwren - Lvl 140 - Fortegunner lvl 20
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