ps2 evil zio

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ps2 evil zio

Postby Prince Noah » Mon Jun 21, 2004 11:01 pm

<blockquote><i>Originally posted by ThePeaGuy</i><p>Well, I was close. :)<p></blockquote><p>Man! I was just gonna say that! :D "Well he was close, Missagh!" :p
Prince Noah

ps2 evil zio

Postby LaconianShot » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:43 pm

Zio was predictable...that's why he was easy. If you get the pattern down, you'll beat him without any trouble.

ps2 evil zio

Postby Darken » Tue Jun 22, 2004 7:59 pm

I'm confused...There is someone out there that didn't equip rune with two shields?! If you equip him with the two from Termi (the town on the Island were you get Thray. Zio will only do between 10 to thirty points to a lv 21 Rune. Then you cast Deban and Barrier...I think they call it the Psycho Wand for a reason...I use that setup for Kyra also, and it turns the Gi-fag guys to dust. And the best way to lv that I've found (without cheats you bastards) Is to run around afor mentioned town and find baby worms. Kill all but one then defend, or cast deban until it changes into an adult. Then Fight for LIFE!!<p>Wise old man:There is nothing to fear but fear itself...And that crazy blue haired guy over there!<p>Darken: *sneeze* So someone else is talking behind my back...

ps2 evil zio

Postby gm2987 » Tue Jun 22, 2004 8:56 pm

2 Shields can work to a point, but on Zio I use the Psyco wand because it boosts teh power of his attacks which is helpful... My first time playing this game my party kinda sucked (level 19 in all but Rika and Rune >.>) and I barly beat Zio just doing as most people have said... It was cool that Rika and Rune were the only ones left so they got like 5 levels up from that one fight XD


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