My booooooooooook! (now with Mieu-type sequels!)

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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby BenoitRen » Tue Mar 06, 2012 2:38 pm

Clearly Benoit's Typo Corner wasn't involved during production. :P
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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Mar 06, 2012 6:00 pm

If I had a free copy of every single book I've found a typo in, I wouldn't have had to pay for 99.999999999 of everything I've ever read. And DAMN, that would have made grad school a LOT easier, financially. Let me know how that plan works out for you. :mrgreen: - an incredibly Not Safe For Work blog

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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby Xander » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:22 pm

Two whole typos? What next? Bugs in videogames? Oh, wait... I'm sure you've made some in your time, CJ. And even you, Benoit, though i'm sure we'll never hear you admitting to being wrong, ever.
So how about actually giving some feedback on the book itself? I'm pretty sure a lot of time and effort was put into this book. The least it deserves is more than an asinine comment.

As for me, I got my paperback copy on friday, much to my delight. Now i've never read a pornbook before, so it was a new thing for me. Though thanks to Jen nagging me to write lemony stuff of my own over recent months, as well as co-writing said lemon with the help of my girlfriend oddly enough, reading someone else's pornbook is a lot easier as a result.
It's also unmistakably a Jen story. Despite having been run through the professional editing mill, and not passed by some amateur who just roots out typos, it still reads much the same. Certain trademarks, particularly how characters and their mannerisms are depicted are still there.

But this is, of course, all just to pass the time between the various sex scenes written throughout, which is why we're reading anyway. I've heard this book sits kind of in the middle on the heat scale, so I'd like to see what passes as further up the scale. ^^ In any case, it was explicit and graphic but not overly so as to put the reader off. The ending, I kind of knew that was coming. But why not? The purpose of a story is to build things up toward some sort of big thing at or near the end. I guess this was that thing. Must have been a hard scene to write anyway. I tip my hat to you for this, Jen. I certainly hate to imagine what'd turn out if I tried to write out something like that, or if it involved more. But I won't say in case of spoilers.

Oh and Geneva's parents? If it were up to me, I'd have probably throttled them a long time ago. Like really.

Anyway, good stuff Jen. And congrats on being the first published writer here. You can actually write and you've taken advantage of that and gotten something published. Kudos. Now 'tis my turn.
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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby BenoitRen » Tue Mar 06, 2012 8:49 pm

Xander wrote:And even you, Benoit, though i'm sure we'll never hear you admitting to being wrong, ever.

You may think you know me, but you're wrong. Even I make typos. You can remove that pole from your behind now.
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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Mar 06, 2012 11:58 pm

HEY! I have never nagged anyone to write teh pr0nz! You should only do what feels natural! (Oh, the many possible interpretations....)

In all seriousness, thanks for reading, Xander. I'm glad you enjoyed it! You already know that the next one's going to be even better! ;) (Really, though, I'm super-excited about the one in progress! And unlike this post, it will not flagrantly overuse exclamation points!)

Oh, and just to clarify/clear up any miscommunications: I can say with 100% certainty that in this book, nothing is neither inserted nor removed from anyone's behind. :angelic-green: - an incredibly Not Safe For Work blog

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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby Tanith » Fri Mar 09, 2012 5:39 am

BenoitRen wrote:You may think you know me, but you're wrong. Even I make typos.

Which reminds me: Maharu is spelled wrong on this page:

Yeah, I'd have a very cheap library at home if I didn't have to pay for books with typos. I usually spot at least one typo in every book I read, old and new.
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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby myau56 » Sun Mar 11, 2012 8:03 pm

Ah tha Naharu spelling ! I noted this a few years ago but didn't remember it ! Thanks for the reminder !:)
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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby BenoitRen » Sun Mar 11, 2012 11:36 pm

Thanks Tanith. I fixed it.
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Re: My booooooooooook!

Postby myau56 » Sun Apr 01, 2012 10:05 am

I have printed, some years ago (I'll check when I'll be back at home tomorrow), the page with aall the cave's name and I'll keep it as a collector with this "wrong spelling" ! :)
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Re: My booooooooooook! (now with more book!)

Postby augmentedfourth » Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:13 pm

In a pleasantly unexpected turn of events, my most recent book is out a month earlier than expected. I guess I just edit THAT WELL. (Haha, no.) The cover art is not what I expected at all, but I still really like it. Behold!

Right now, it's available from the publisher and All Romance in a variety of e-formats. Last time, the official Kindle version and the paperback took a little bit longer. I'll likely be doing giveaways on my blog soon-ish, if you're the patient sort and like the thrill of random competition.

The last book was light-hearted fun, and I do have a soft spot for it. This book, however, is light years better (I hope!) and is actually my most favorite thing I've written to date. I liked the first one. I LOVE this one. I hope others will share my opinion. :D

Edit: The first giveaway is up! I added a little twist this time! Check it out, have fun, and good luck! - an incredibly Not Safe For Work blog

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Re: My booooooooooook! (now with more book!)

Postby Missagh » Sun Jul 08, 2012 5:38 pm

Congrats! That is a really atmospheric cover art, who made it?
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Re: My booooooooooook! (now with more book!)

Postby augmentedfourth » Mon Jul 09, 2012 5:34 pm

Thanks! I have no idea who's in charge of cover design, only that I have absolutely nothing to do with it. 8-) - an incredibly Not Safe For Work blog

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Re: My booooooooooook! (now with more book!)

Postby augmentedfourth » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:24 pm

And lo! There was more book!

This one's got some PS relevance, as it's based on ideas I originally had for a PSO fanfic. I was thinking of writing about the origins of Kireek and his life on Coral before the Pioneer 2 left. Sue and Black Paper would feature heavily, and I was going to cover his mission to assassinate the player character (should you follow the Soul Eater subplot). As the whole first part of it was going to be original material that wasn't in the game at all anyway, I wound up reworking it into a novel. (And a sexy novel, at that!)

Here's the official blurb (with my unofficial commentary):
Dutiful soldier Callum Renwick (originally Kireek) wakes up in the underground laboratory of a mercenary organization (used to be Black Paper). He learns he was the sole survivor of an attack that destroyed his unit, his hometown, and his family. In addition to the loss of his loved ones, he discovers that due to his injuries, half his body has been supplanted by artificial skin and cybernetic parts (we'll make a Cast out of you yet!). Once he has recovered, he is assigned to the care of Ro Bernard (who has a similar haircut to Sue, but no newman ears; sorry, Josh), who leads the effort to turn him into a powerful assassin (though they never call him the Black Hound). She is outspoken, yet secretive, and uses unconventional means to mold him into a depraved killer (who never does get a Black Hound-esque nickname, oops). Mind games and rough sex are in her repertoire of training tactics, and Callum is both infuriated and fascinated by her. As he comes to terms with his grief and his new role, many of his biological body parts fail and must be replaced (so he looks like an droid, the droid, whatever!). Will he adapt to survive in Ro’s world and exact vengeance on the woman (the player character) who ordered the attack that changed his life? (Alas, there is no Soul Eater, regardless of the outcome.)

Though the plot and overall tone of the book is SRS BZNS, I did have some fun. I worked in a couple subtle PS references as a homage to the series that has inspired me so much. The people who have always been supportive of me and have helped me through some challenging spots make some appearances, such as characters named Vlad, Tanith, and Agent Carlson.

The book just came out, so I'm pretty sure it's only out at my publisher right now. In the past, it's taken a couple days to a couple weeks for my books to be released at the other main retailers (Amazon, B&N, etc.); now I just have to be patient for the official Kindle version so I can carry it around with me wherever I go!

At first, I was caught a little off guard by the cover, as that's not how I pictured my main character. Then I remembered that he loses half his face by Chapter Two and it didn't really matter. :mrgreen: Now I kind of love it. - an incredibly Not Safe For Work blog

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Re: My booooooooooook! (Book the Third!)

Postby Xander » Tue Jan 29, 2013 7:34 pm

W00t! More book! Moar smut! Congrats on getting yet another published. ^_^

I'll be sure to nab a copy for my kindle when I get a moment. In the meantime, since it seems I'm going to be in your neck of the woods come march, feel free to set aside a signed paperback copy for moi. Something to read should the weather turn a bit foul and I wind up stuck indoors. Who knows, maybe we it...together? Maybe do an audiobook version? Smut's always good for sharing.
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Re: My booooooooooook! (Book the Third!)

Postby augmentedfourth » Wed Jan 30, 2013 3:31 am

Thanks, Xandrew! Consider your copy set aside!

As far as an audiobook goes...unfortunately, not all of us are blessed with the charming Scottish accent. ;) I may have to outsource my reading out loud. (But hey, just as long as it's read and shared, that's the important part, right? Right.) - an incredibly Not Safe For Work blog

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