by LaconianShot » Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:49 pm
Who am I to judge? I am myself. I reserve a right to make judgements of character. Everybody does. You've made countless judges of character, as have I, as have everybody. I note that you exhibit signs of bad tolerance (being set off by something as inconsequential as a reference) and a lack of maturity (having to point out every flaw that bothers you). The fact that you must fight someone every step of the way because you're excersizing your "right" to argue with whatever you want illustrates this point.<p>You may view my manner of debate as "lolzor rofl oh noes ATTASKERS!111", but that would be based on perception. You love to throw that around when it suits you. Is it that I'm insulting you, or is it that I'm being brutally honest? Think about that.<p>And sure, you can debate details that are indesputably trivial. Yes, you have the "right". However, you must consider how excersizing this "right" makes you look. Is it just petty to do so, or is it worth ruining a thread? Just because you can exdersize a right doesn't mean you should. <p>The difference between a perfectionist and one who is not is that they both strive for the best, though one expects it and the other does not. How can you ever be happy if you are in that state of mind? If you are not unhappy because of it now, you will be in the future if it is not hammered out of you. That tends to happen to perfectionists.<p><blockquote>You still fail to see that they are two different things, which is what this is about. </blockquote><br>No, I understand perfectly. Thank you for making my point for me again. Your lack of ability to comprehend doesn't equate to my lack of understanding. <br>It's a technicality, once again. It's both a wallpaper and a desktop, and at the same time each on it's own. Sure, you can call it a desktop, which it is, but it is also a screenshot of my wallpaper that happens to include my desktop. <p>Anyway, I apologize to the people for helping take this thread off topic. Benoit, you may continue to play last word, but one must know when to leave things be, and my words are going in one figurative internet ear and out the other. In other words, any of your replies can kindly be directed to any number of my former responses and you'll likely get your answer.<p>Another note: Ian's wallpaper/desktop/EXPANSIVE INTERNET ENVIRONMENT is oddly... cool.