Phantasy Star News


Latest Phantasy Star News.

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Monday, July 12, 2004
PSO Plus to be released in USA
Gboy posted this in the forums:
There is an article at a news website stating that Sega of America might bring PHANTASY STAR ONLINE EPISODES 1 AND 2 PLUS to the west. There was a package shot of the U.S . version but no release date.

Discuss this here.
--// Missagh Alami, webmaster of PS Cave
Thursday, July 1, 2004
PS V The Battle for Algo screenshots
Here are the first screenshot release of the PS fan game, PS V: The Battle for Algo:

gm2987, the creator of this fan game will release a demo soon.

I'll keep you all informed!
--// Missagh Alami, webmaster of PS Cave
Thursday, July 1, 2004
In the Summer...
...of 1988...

...Alis Landale will...

...Kill Lassic.

(Art by Joel Fagin, Between Worlds.)
--// Missagh Alami, webmaster of PS Cave
Thursday, June 10, 2004
PS V The Battle for Algo fan game
The website for the Phantasy Star fan game "Phantasy Star V The Battle for Algo" has open, you can follow the project here:
I wish the creator of the game, gm2987, best luck, hope there will be a demo release sometime soon.

Best regards,
--// Missagh Alami, webmaster of PS Cave
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
A Phantasy Star party
While I was moving Phantasy Star Cave to a new server, I found these six pictures on one of my oldest servers, showing a Phantasy Star related party in Japan I believe:

So who is up for a new Phantasy Star party?
Best regards,
--// Missagh Alami, webmaster of PS Cave
Tuesday, June 8, 2004
Phantasy Star Cave new server...
As most of you already know, Phantasy Star Cave has moved to a new server. The reasons are many:
* Downtimes on the old server
* Messy support
* Need of local host
Well, here we are!
Pay attention that there are probably many broken links/images, if you find any, please contact me. Also, the upcoming update will have to wait till next week... just need a couple of days to fix everything with this new server.

Best regards,
--// Missagh Alami, webmaster of PS Cave
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Phantasy Star Cave Copyright Missagh Alami

Phantasy Star original games copyright Sega