In the end they moved the servers that Phantasy Star Cave resides on to a new location, and in the process they lost a lot of data. Missagh said they lost "the database", which would imply the mySQL database that stores the message boards posts, but it seems this data loss included the website as well.
To make matters worse, the last back-up the host made was from four months ago.
I've got a copy of most of Phantasy Star Cave on my hard drive. But I don't have a copy of the mySQL database. I've told this to Missagh, and am now awaiting his response.
EDIT by Missagh:
As Benoit has informed you all, our webhost messed up on their server transfer and lost our database. "Fortunately" they had a backup that was from June and uploaded it. Even though that this is out of our hands, please accept our apologies for lost threads and user accounts.
Luckly, Benoit kept a backup of the general PS Cave content so the website is up to date!
I hope that we can continue building the community so please inform your PS friends to register again and expand the community.
This is truly a shame, as we are approaching a 10 year anniversary update to PS Cave.

Nevertheless, thank you all for years of discussions and I hope to read your posts soon!