The downtime of the past few days

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Postby BenoitRen » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:07 pm

I'm trying to restore more threads and posts, but circumstances make it difficult. There seems to be some malware floating around the web that makes automated search queries on phpBB installations. So it's thinking that my computer is infected because I'm making such queries, and blocks those.

Google still shows search results, but blocks many of my cache requests, and Bing blocks the entire search query.

Damn it.
Last edited by BenoitRen on Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby orakio_rob » Fri Oct 09, 2009 2:11 pm

I don't know where PS Cave is hosted, but Dreamhost has a handy backup function. You just click on the backup link on the control panel, and dreamhost zips everything in your account, from files to databases and email accounts, and emails you a link to download it. You're allowed one full backup for month.
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Postby meteor9 » Fri Oct 09, 2009 3:32 pm

I can't imagine any good reason why this would make people leave, unless they were morbidly obsessed with their post counts or something.

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Postby Abominae » Fri Oct 09, 2009 4:49 pm

It's her work and a dead thread anyway if she's not going to be here to update. The other way to keep up with it would be to plaigarize her work. Not that there's any logic in my reasoning...

For me, it's a number of reasons. I've decided this'll be my last post as well. This site has become little more than a random thought discussion board with the option to post your work for the review of forum members.

So, I'll tell in the greatest detail I can why I've made this decision.

I came to this site because I AM a big Phantasy Star fan. Because of Phantasy Star Online, I was able to get a feel for crafting my own stories. I saw the link to this page while browsing the wikipedia files of PS games. I decided to come here and check it out. For the most part, it's been an interesting ride, if nothing else. But, I'm at the point where I come here consistantly disappointed by the lack of participation by the forum "regulars"

I can't tell you how many times I logged on to see my name under "last message posted by" under a handful of threads. The rest were either dead or (as far as I was concerned) uninteresting subjects. And if my leaving here makes them rally behind the site and liven it up again, then what the hell am I doing here in the first place?

What I'm really looking for in a forum right now is a place where I can meet people who want to work on creating games. People with different talents required to make a game. I can do most of the work of a game on my own, but I still need an artist, sprite designer, coder, & mapper. The odds of finding people who have these skills and the time to work on a game (and lets not forget, the interest in my particular project).

But mostly, I'm really sick of arguing with you, Ben. I'm tired of being attacked by you simply because you have a different opinion than me. It was bad enough that you supported the behavior of that moron Peegai, but this is just ridiculous. I avoid threads you post in because I know as soon as I post, you're gonna single me out. You've been pretty consistant about it.

I met a lot of really cool people here, and I'd be lying if I said I wasn't hesitant to leave... But, PSCave is more of a chore than anything these days. Before the server move, Lyla & Darens threads were the most interesting part of the site and even those threads had new posts only every other day.

I want to build a game designing team, and pscave can't help me do that. What's left then? A collection of members who drop by and post only when something REALLY interesting happens? No, thank you. I have better things to do than to wait around for someone to say something.

I've been thinking about leaving for a while now... The downtime was pretty much just the nail in the coffin for me.


Postby BenoitRen » Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:16 pm

You have a point. This message board isn't all that active. Frankly, it's a shadow of its former glory. But I'm not going to give up on it. Especially not now that I'm so involved.

I'll admit to being adamant about my position at times (especially in regards to copyright infringement), but I wouldn't say I have attacked you. The problem, at least in the first couple of months you were a member, was that you'd derail threads with posts about something that doesn't even relate to the topic. If you think a slap on the wrist is an attack, then there isn't much I can say.
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Postby Zucca » Fri Oct 09, 2009 5:27 pm

I had some problems for sure. My password wasn't accepted. Not even the older one. Then I requested a new password. I got an email and there was the ramdom generated password for me... But that too didn't let me log in. So I mailed Missagh. He solved the problem and now I have updated my password for the second time. Now everything looks good...
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Postby Missagh » Fri Oct 09, 2009 10:38 pm

Alright guys, I have read about Lyla's reaction to the loss of data and I do understand the impact it can have of losing a part of your creative content. I am myself working around 15 hours daily in the creative business so I am very familiar with the ups and downs. I do hope sincerely that she will return to provide updates about her work as I know that she is aware of my admiration of her contribution to the community.

That being said, the loss of data is something that is out of my hand. Of course I did my best to make sure of our webhosts bizarre handling of the server move, trust me. But there are limits to what I can do you see. There is no way that I can recover any threads. I know that Benoit has spend time on finding some lost threads through search engines and I salute him for the effort.

Please keep in mind that I have maintained this website for over 10 years now for you fans to find a home where you can discuss and share your pointers about the series. Back when I launched this website, I was rather young and very excited to "create my own homepage" about one of my hobbies. Time has passed and now, I am on a full-time+ (!) schedule and do not have the same amount of hours and energy as I had once to keep this community alive. Therefor, I am hoping that our members help to built up the community again. Something that I cannot do on my own :)

I would like to thank all our members that have participated in discussions throughout the years. Thank you.

If there are members here that feel that they do want to leave this community, then I would advice you strongly to not leave the Phantasy Star community and instead find your home at a different PS message board. I would highly recommend Fringes of Algo maintained by Thoul, a great webmaster that have been in the community since the beginning and knows its grounds, and an awesome community of fans!

I hope that we will continue discussions Phantasy Star for another 10 years!
-- Missagh Alami, webmaster of Phantasy Star Cave.
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Postby Daren » Sat Oct 10, 2009 2:12 am

Missagh wrote:Alright guys, I have read about Lyla's reaction to the loss of data and I do understand the impact it can have of losing a part of your creative content. I am myself working around 15 hours daily in the creative business so I am very familiar with the ups and downs. I do hope sincerely that she will return to provide updates about her work as I know that she is aware of my admiration of her contribution to the community.

That being said, the loss of data is something that is out of my hand. Of course I did my best to make sure of our webhosts bizarre handling of the server move, trust me. But there are limits to what I can do you see. There is no way that I can recover any threads. I know that Benoit has spend time on finding some lost threads through search engines and I salute him for the effort.

Please keep in mind that I have maintained this website for over 10 years now for you fans to find a home where you can discuss and share your pointers about the series. Back when I launched this website, I was rather young and very excited to "create my own homepage" about one of my hobbies. Time has passed and now, I am on a full-time+ (!) schedule and do not have the same amount of hours and energy as I had once to keep this community alive. Therefor, I am hoping that our members help to built up the community again. Something that I cannot do on my own :)

I would like to thank all our members that have participated in discussions throughout the years. Thank you.

If there are members here that feel that they do want to leave this community, then I would advice you strongly to not leave the Phantasy Star community and instead find your home at a different PS message board. I would highly recommend Fringes of Algo maintained by Thoul, a great webmaster that have been in the community since the beginning and knows its grounds, and an awesome community of fans!

I hope that we will continue discussions Phantasy Star for another 10 years!

Back in action! hehe

Missagh, loosing this site would be a great lost. I still remember all these years ago when I was yet a member, coming here and reading about my favorite series. Now that I'm in the process of making my own I keep remembering what these game meant to me and what they still bring in my life. It's the greatest series ever made by my standards and will stay in that place for the rest of my life. Phantasy Star 1 was my very first RPG ever played back when I didn't even know how to read English, but I figured it out even if it took my 2 months to finish it. Then came my second favorite RPG just a few years later with PS 2 and PS 4 was just the cherry on top. Never since PS 4 have I been so entrenched into another game even though FF7 came close and now that I've finally decided to become a member this board can't die out!
Personally I wouldn't send some members to another board and I would try to keep them here but I agree that the members should help as well.
It's a shame when Data gets lost, hey I can tell you about it having lost my entire audio collection not so long ago but one must start again and rise up. I agree with Lyla on the frustrating effect this can have, but in the end all I'm left asking myself is, "So what?" start a new tread and build it as you go as I will do shortly because I'm excited to bring you my vision on this terrific series and that I oh so hope you will feel like your actually playing an original Phantasy Star game.
In the end I say this, work your best at keeping this site up and running and let the fans come tell you and the members there stories about Phantasy Star because you know what? the fans know ;)

Alrighty Then
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Postby Zucca » Sat Oct 10, 2009 7:56 am

I guess I try to restore (start) back the topics that were lost in the crash...
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Postby BenoitRen » Sat Oct 10, 2009 11:39 am

If you can find lost posts in your web browser cache, Zucca, I'd appreciate it if you sent them to me. ;)

I still haven't restored everything that could be restored.
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Postby Zucca » Sat Oct 10, 2009 4:42 pm

BenoitRen wrote:If you can find lost posts in your web browser cache, Zucca, I'd appreciate it if you sent them to me. ;)

I still haven't restored everything that could be restored.
I had rebooted my laptop while these forums were unaccessible. And I have set all my web cache to be stored to ram, so all caches from that time are lost. :|
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Postby Danny » Mon Oct 12, 2009 6:08 am

Ouch, well this certainly sucks. A similar thing also happened at a few months back when three months worth of info and posts were lost. Seems as though we've all lost quite a number of good posts and threads here too...

PSCave is certainly not as active as in the good old days, but I won't just give up on it entirely. Right now, I'm focused more on romhacking translations, manga drawings and also working on a game that I'm creating in RPG Maker 2000. Even so, I'll still try to find time to visit PSCave.

This is a great site and it would truly be a loss to lose it completly. Eh, a lot of good sites seem to be going down hill these days. It's quite sad actually. My favorite series were on the GENS and SNES...

Edit: Damn, I don't have any files from PSCave stored in my cache either. After some updates, my computer rebooted and did the disk clean up and scan disk routine which deleted all the files there. Annoying updates, I also lost some unsaved work that day. Since then, I've turned off these useless automatic updates...
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Postby BenoitRen » Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:28 pm

Those updates are far from useless. They patch holes in Windows' security. You don't want your computer to join a botnet, now do you?

You can turn off the automatic updates, but then you'll have to remember to install them manually.
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Postby Black Waltz 0 » Mon Oct 12, 2009 1:40 pm

It certainly seems like lots of people are working on RPGMaker games lately. Do we have a general purpose thread around here to talk about them? I've got a RPGXP game I'm tooling with myself...
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Postby Zucca » Mon Oct 12, 2009 5:47 pm

I would rather prefer a game maker that...
  • does not require player to download any extra packages (ie. a standalone game) besides some libraries to handle graphics
  • is free of cost (open source = even better)
  • creates games that run on win, lin and osx

These RPG makers don't fit into any of these... :(
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