PS2.5 Fallen Planet Good Walkthrough

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PS2.5 Fallen Planet Good Walkthrough

Postby Oresama » Mon Dec 12, 2016 4:16 pm

Here is my good path walkthrough for PS2.5. Like the evil path walkthrough if there's anything that should be added/tweaked/whatever definitely post it. As before it's attached if you'd rather use it offline.


Once you have control of Jams go to Plumb's house (orange house just south of the exit). Head north from the house and talk to the old man that shows up at the spaceport. Select “yeah, uh I'll call her soon” to end the conversation and have a guard run up to you.

Talk to the guard and see that it's Josh. Go to his house (next to Plumb's) where you'll change into a guard uniform and talk to the guard to progress the story. Talk to Talis, then to guard blocking the exit and head south to Loar.

Do NOT go back to Josh's house after doing this event, unless you want to remain in the guard uniform for quite some time.

On your way to Loar, note the location of the Biofarm, i.e. the giant circular tree. While most of these are merely decoration, you can enter this one, and its location will become important later in the game. Red berries can be found in the bottom right corner later. You see a dialog there now.

Note: I am not making many specific equipment recommendations in this walkthrough, both because of the option to cheat and gain levels from talking to the stationary green crystal in the tower in Abion and because if you're playing my version of the game, the random encounter rate in manageable enough to kill all of the enemies and level up enough to not need to buy every piece of equipment as soon as it becomes available. If you suddenly find yourself getting trashed after not upgrading your equipment for some time, consider upgrading.

Note 2: If you have screen flickering problems, hit ALT+ENTER to run the game in window mode and play it in window mode. You can then use anotherfullscreenmode, a tool made to prevent flickering in RM2K/RM2K3 games. If you downloaded my most recent upload as of this writing, it's included in the archive.

Note 3: The dungeons are relatively simple, seeing as they aren't first person perspective with everything looking the same. Most treasure chests are somewhat optional. Anything needed for the game to progress will be mentioned. Whether or not you track down every dimate or chest of 700 meseta is up to you.


Go the left of the entrance and talk to the giant NPC chick who looks a tad out of place. Tell her you're normally here on business and another NPC will appear. Talk to him (Tad) and tell him you didn't know. Resist the temptation to kill him in broad daylight and get away with it.

Go to the bar. You'll be able to recognize them immediately as they do not have doors. As you get more party members they will all sit around a table in the bar and you can add/remove them from your party by talking to them. Talk to the bouncer, then talk to the bartender and order anything other than a Diet Cola. Talk the bouncer again and tell him you're not taking any new jobs. There is a Titanium Shield hidden in the box of weapons in the bottom right corner. If you dance with the girl on the dance floor she will poison you and steal 75 meseta.

Head to the northern part of the city, talk to the guard and pay his bribe. If you don't the price just goes up. Go right, talk to the new NPC and he joins your party. Return to Abion and talk to Talis.

Also note that the pawn shop sells Greensleeves, which cut the TP cost of techniques in half. Highly recommend.


Talk to Talis and accept your commission to continue the plot for 1000 meseta. Upon leaving talk to the new NPC that appears to learn you pawned Talis' pendent after partying a little too hard, which might have something to do with her attitude problem. Return to Loar, buy the pendent back from the item shop, return it to Talis, use it as an item, talk to her and get the Darkfallz Skull.

Leave Abion, go south and around the coast until you see a woman guarding a cave.

K.O. Cave

Talk to the woman and agree to help her. Then use the Darkfallz Skull and talk to her again to gain access to the cave.

Make your way through the cave, it's not particularly difficult. Your destination is the bottom right corner. Talk to Karl and refuse to find a little doggy to kill. You'll fight Karl, and he packs quite a punch. After winning the fight a flight of stairs will appear and connect you to Bortevo.


Talk to the guard and Kole will go to Gothic. Talk to the blond in the southeast and she will join your party. Head south through the lava and make your way to Gothic.


Stop in the bar to add it to your Ryuka list. Talk to the guy just south of the bar with Neen in your party and he will tell you to go to Medusa's Tower before dying on the spot. Shop if you like, and Ryuka back to Loar.


Add Karl to the party and the bartender will tell you about his daughter getting kidnapped. Back to Abion.


Dumi is in your face as soon as you return. Follow her back to her house and choose just tell me over the more fun/colorful options.

At this point you can also get the Landrover. Go the shop just south of Dumi's house and buy the Illegal Landrover for 16000 MST. Then use the Illegal Landrover to have a Landrover appear. Talk to it and you have a usable Landrover in your inventory, if you are so inclined. The primary benefit is that is faster than walking. Get it if you want, but it's not necessary.

Now that you have spoken with Dumi you can enter the manhole cover in the spaceport. Make your way through the dungeon toward the cultists you see when you enter. If you talk to the grave you see when entering the railroad area you'll get a bit of story and some stat boosters. Make sure you get the chest with the Mysterious Badge and hear a conversation about checking your house and talking to Fill.
Heading all the way down and all the way left from the tombstone with the stat boosting colas should get you there.

Talk to the ghost sitting on the throne to fight the ghost of Dr. Mad from PS1. Take the stairs that appear after killing the ghost. Talk to the moving treasure chest for another fight and to get the Laconian Circlet. You must get all of the Laconian items to beat the game.

Continuing to walk left will bring you to the contaminated area next to Abion. Head over to the upper right corner to find the missing girl and talk to her. Head down and to the left to find the exit and return to Abion. Go back to your house, talk to Fill (bottom left in Loar's bar) and the bartender. Ryuka back to Gothic.


Head to the bar and talk to the bartender. Say that they might be related and order something blue. Head north and enter the Control Tower to talk to Kole. She will ask you to scout the prison south of Gothic. Take the mission.

Enter the house with the gold roof by the entrance. Tell him you got the badges here and there and agree to trade the badges for Polymyrtl acid.

I upgraded my weapons here, and this was the last time I needed to buy weapons before buying the best stuff you can buy. Your mileage may vary. The Heat Gun is strongly recommended.

Gothic Prison

The prison is south of Gothic. There are plenty of doors with a variety of treasures if you are so inclined, but nothing you can't live without. Proceed to the end and fight the Army Eye.


Go speak to Kole, then again at the bar, then again after taking the upper right stairs in the governor's mansion. Put Kole in your party, then talk to the governor sitting on the throne and take him to Abion.


After Ryukaing to Loar you will be stopped from leaving the bar by two Robotcops. Take them out and proceed to Abion.


After your meeting ends, Ryuka to Gothic. Talk to Tony in the bar to get him to join you. Go through the upper right passage that was previously guarded to get to Camineet. But first, head southwest from Gothic to Medusa's Tower.

Medusa's Tower

You are looking for the chest in the bottom left corner. Have Neen in your party to hear a dialog about the Esper Mansion in the west. Despite the dialog saying we can get there with a Hovercraft, we don't actually have one yet. Proceed to Camineet through Gothic.


Enter Parolit and talk to Jana to get her to join. Return to Abion. Despite not getting a call on your visiphone, your Hovercraft should finally be ready. Sail west and south to a small island with a single PS2 style dungeon on it. Make sure Neen is in your party.

Esper Mansion

Neen will open to the path to the Esper Mansion. Talk to everyone and Neen will get permission to continue her investigation into Medusa's Tower. Be sure to give the Polymetrl to Nero before you leave.
Head to Gothic, make sure you have Jana in your party and park your Hovercraft here. Ryuka to Eppi and order a drink from the bartender if you haven't already. Ryuka to Loar, go north to the Biofarm and take the red berries from the bottom right corner. Ryuka back to Eppi, talk to the bartender, hold onto the message for later and head northwest to the Odin Cave.

Odin Cave

Without Jana you won't be able to see anything or advance in the dark. Head to the southeast corner and put the Darkfallz Skull in the giant stone tablet. The Lassic Staff will be in the most southeast corner in the dungeon. Get back on your HoverRover and head west to the Haunted City on the long skinny island (west of Gothic).

Haunted City

This is a short dungeon. Go the left to move the story along and to the right to get Polymetrl. You can walk on the water if you like. Head east, north, east and then south to Scion.


Give the Polymrtl to Jimz (by the blue Hovercraft) and he'll use it to fix up a Hovercraft that can go over all of the water.

Enter the other building without a door for a necessary side quest. Talk to the man in front of the ring to buy some techniques for Jams, then talk to the booker on the right to start fighting. You should easily beat everyone here. This will give you the Laconian Emel, needed to beat the game.

Get your party back together and head to the cave in the north.

Shortcake Cave

Go through the cave and buy a cake. Don't teleport out a few times and keep talking to him until he asks if you want a Roadpass. Pay him and take it. The green chest contains a Book of Hewn, get it if you want but it's not a big deal if you don't.

Dungeon To Baya Malay

Enter the dungeon just north of Scion and see the dialog there. Then keep heading south to the next cave.

Garda Cave

Make your way through the cave and talk to Garda. Take her back to Dungeon To Baya Malay for a scene and proceed to Baya Malay.

Baya Malay

Jimz will call you to let you know the repairs have been completed. Open the treasure chest for the Laconian Helm. You can see a message by talking to the boulder and the stone tablets in the lower right and left corners.


Repairs on the HoverRover have been completed. You can now travel over deep water. Head south around the continent and southwest to Eppi, and from there a little south and then west to Drasgow.


You can buy some very high end equipment here and talk to some NPCs. If you don't get them now you'll lose your chance, up to you. The Flame Thrower is HIGHLY recommended for Josh.

Use the letter and talk to Damo in the southwest corner. If you tell the truth the quest does not progress, so oddly enough select lie and go back to Eppi. Make sure you take the HoverRover back – you can't Ryuka to Drasgow!


Talk to the bartender and get the Spaceship Parts Tyler needs to repair his spaceship at Scion Airport. You'll get the Nei Bar, an amazing weapon for Kole.

Scion Airport

Using the Spaceship Parts and talking to Tyler will get you the Nei bar. Grab Jimz, head northwest to the Camineet Airpor, take the manhole cover that connects to Gothic, go into the tent and get Haspy and the Laconian Gear. Note the guy in the southwest corner of the spaceport that can't find his nuts for later. Whew, it's FINALLY time to go Camineet!


If you try to enter without a Roadpass you'll fight a bunch of robots, and still not get in. Head to the bar and get a drink if you want. Talk to the cocktease on the dance floor, dance with her and punch her in the face for a nice bonus. Or be the bigger man to gain a level, which is probably what you should do as a good guy.

Head off to the right to see the governor. Fork over the shortcake and walk into the light. After talking to Milo you'll have a nightmare and fight Saccubus. No worries, this is much easier than the original Saccubus fight.

After waking up head outside, talk to the guard, then back to the bar. Talk to the guard and head upstairs for a conversation with Milo. Once you take the job he sends you to the Biosystems Lab.

Biosystems Lab

Head north to the Biosystems Lab and use the Key Tube to open the door. Take notice of the stairs on the right side of the dungeon. Make sure you get the Laerma Nuts from one of the treasure chests on your way to the boss. Talk to the robot in the bottom right corner to start a fight. Talk to the computer to get the Systems Recorder and head for the stairs, not the door you used to enter.

Camineet Spaceport

Now that you have the Laerma Nuts use them and talk to the guy in the bottom left corner that asks if you've huh huh seen his nuts. Run through and get the Mirror Shield.


Head back to the bar to talk to Milo. He'll have you take the recorder to the Control Tower and have you meet him after that. Go back to Milo and and he will agree to come with you to Abion for the meeting. Before we go to Abion though, Ryuka to Gothic and head to Medusa's Tower.

Medusa's Tower

Head back to Spectre, use the Laerma Nuts and talk to her again. As you might expect, feeding strange things to strange beings turns them into bosses, so take her out. The stairs to the third floor are in the southwest corner. From there keep following the path to Medusa. Make sure you have the Mirror Shield equipped before you start this fight! Upon killing Medusa you will have the Laconian Axe. Hinas, Ryuka to Loar, Abion.


The meeting will begin as soon as you arrive. Once it's finished, Ryuka to Scion.


Go see the governor. Tell the guard you have news to get in. She'll come with you, back to Abion.


Learn an Army EYE has been captured and is waiting for you at the nearest bar. But first...Ryuka to Eppi and head south and west to Drasgow.


It has now been destroyed and if you didn't stock up on things for sale, you have lost your chance. Go to the manhole and pick up the Laconian Sword. Head east to the Arctic Continent.


Head down through the manhole to enter the bar. Make sure Haspy in your party, then head northwest. Haspy will unlock the door so you can proceed.

Arctic Cave

This is a long, windy cave and looks even more like a Phantasy Star 1 dungeon than most thus far in its layout. When transitioning between caves make sure you pick up the treasure chest you see, as it contains the Laconian Mail. When you go through to the next staircase you will be the proud owner of an airship!

You will still need to the HoverRover to get to the Artificial Continent, so let's get that back. Fly the airship to Scion, Ryuka to the Haaken Dead Lounge and jump in to reclaim it. Swap out Haspy for Army Eye while you're there. You'll be informed that Drasgow was attacked, but we've already been there and seen the wreckage. Head in a northwesterly direction to the Artificial Continent.

Artificial Continent

When you enter you will be greeted by someone who looks familiar, then upon closer examination a little more's the nasty Plumb! Turn her down and then put the dog down. Apparently you killed the old man even if you didn't. Go south to get back on the world map and follow the path.

Head to the bottom right corner and enter the building to get the Laconian Plate. When you take it you will be attacked by a bunch of robots. Take them out. From there go into each of the 8 towers and touch each of the computers to build a bridge that takes us to the Sub-Parts. If you are missing any Laconian items you will get a picture of the missing item instead of hearing a scraping noise.

Now that the bridge is built enter the bottom left Biofarm. Follow the path to the Sub-Parts. As James said, “Get ready for some serious bullshit as we head toward the last two stages of the game.” The man spoke the truth.

Make your endgame preparations, then head for the whirlpool west of Scion.

Underwater Area

There are no landmarks underwater which makes finding our destination...somewhat challenging. You are looking for a factory on an island that is southeast of your starting position. I find going right for 2 cycles of the water flashing and down for 2 cycles of the water flashing works for me to get there. If you see some shallow water you're getting close. Good luck.

Underwater Factory

You see the familiar bouncer from the evil path. He reveals his true identity and fights you. Jams' Airslash will blow his mind and make him spend every turn recovering, making this fight quite simple.


Open the treasure chest and beat the shit out of PS2 Dark Force. Airslash will again blow his mind and make this as easy as you want it to be. Your party members will have something new to say to you here. Make your way through Noah and talk to Mother Brain. Once you start the fight Airslash is as invincible as ever. Take her out and you win!
Phantsy Star 2.5 Fallen Planet Good
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