Important question for online players.

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Important question for online players.

Postby Black Waltz 0 » Sat Oct 10, 2009 10:44 pm

I quit PSU about a year ago because I couldn't really afford to pay for two subscriptions anymore (myself and my husbands'), but my money situation has improved recently and I just wanted to ask;

Is it worth paying for PSU again?
Has anything significant changed?
What's been going on in the year I've been away?

Thanks for your time. :)
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Postby Neo48 » Sun Oct 11, 2009 10:43 pm

There have been a couple events since then which released a few new weapons. The events were made up of old events though.

There are some new missions but more missions have just been given higher difficulties. Also, a new story mission recently came out.

The game isn't going to see drastic change unless the supplemental update is released. The community is also quite small.
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