Phantasy Star Cave's 11th anniversary
Posted: Sun Aug 22, 2010 4:59 pm
11 years ago, on a free host named Redrival, Missagh created a website. This website was The Phantasy Star Cave. It grew to be one of the two largest Phantasy Star fan sites on the web!
To commemorate this anniversary, there's a huge content update. As it is huge, it'll be done in chunks instead of all at once.
To commemorate this anniversary, there's a huge content update. As it is huge, it'll be done in chunks instead of all at once.
- Phantasy Star III Enemies section update! Animations courtesy of Mark Patraw. Yes, this is the same guy who posted about them months back. Also, the stats of the enemies have been updated and completed.
- Fan Art section update! The collection of Phantasy Star 20th Anniversary fan art contest has been added. Thanks to Andreas Skyman (aka skymandr) for the credit translations!