A fairly obvious question

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A fairly obvious question

Postby Gipper » Sun Feb 27, 2005 1:48 pm

After Alys died, why didn't the characters ever bother to use Rever, Regen, Medic Power, or a Sol-Dew/Moon-Dew on her? Wouldn't that have brought her back to life?<br>Not as if Rune didn't have Rever when she died, then Demi could have used Medic Power and Chaz, Rika, and Hahn could each have used Gires.

A fairly obvious question

Postby Benoit » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:16 pm

Because Rever is for characters who are near death, not dead.

A fairly obvious question

Postby Gipper » Sun Feb 27, 2005 2:22 pm

What about Regen, then? They could have easily brought Raja to Motavia and had him do that. Or a Sol-Dew would have worked as well.

A fairly obvious question

Postby Arkhan » Sun Feb 27, 2005 6:09 pm

Why didn't they use a Pheonix Down, or Life 2 on Aeris when she died in FFVII, why didn't they cast ressurection on Dupre in Ultima VII:Part 2, Why didnt they cast life, or use a phoenix down on Tellah's daughter in FFIV? ..............because it would kill the story lol. It always seems dumb that you cant do it, but its to keep the story intact :)

A fairly obvious question

Postby Benoit » Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:43 pm

Regen is just like Rever, bundled with a full HP heal.<p>Anyway, most of this goes back to the cliché "Don't expect battle mechanics to carry over into the game world.".<p>Final Fantasy V's death scene was realistic, though.

A fairly obvious question

Postby Gipper » Mon Feb 28, 2005 12:58 am

Fine. (Takes Alys into time machine, back to Piata AW 1284, clones her)

A fairly obvious question

Postby Shell Presto » Mon Feb 28, 2005 1:41 am

Because once you hit -10 HP or 0 constitution, nothing except a miracle can bring you back, and miracles don't happen often. (Traditional RPG rules, carried over to the game world.)
Shell Presto

A fairly obvious question

Postby Malakai » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:03 am

Better question yet: why did Alys have to take the shot at all? Why couldn't Chaz have gotten hit? He certainly deserved it more that she did, the brat.

A fairly obvious question

Postby Forge » Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:41 am

Shell Presto, True Resurrection can bring anyone back.<p>Or Wish or Miracle.<p>DM's knowledge rules.

A fairly obvious question

Postby ROMeo » Mon Feb 28, 2005 10:23 am

In the dialogue Rune states that the Black Wave spell is backed up by a power far greater than himself, and that he can't do anything about it.<p>If you have ever played DnD, you'll see spells that kill the victim in such a way they can't be resurrected for one reason or another (not that DnD has anything at all to do here, it was just an example).<p>However, if you need the real reason why they didn't resurrected Alys, is the same why the PS2 crew didn't clone Nei even after you cloned her like a hundred thousand times before you got to the climatrol, said reason is called... plot device. :p

A fairly obvious question

Postby KexMex » Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:17 pm

In FFV, they DID try with Life, Phoenix Down, but he died. V_V Too bad.

A fairly obvious question

Postby ThePeaGuy » Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:35 pm

<blockquote><i>Originally posted by ROMeo</i><p>However, if you need the real reason why they didn't resurrected Alys, is the same why the PS2 crew didn't clone Nei even after you cloned her like a hundred thousand times before you got to the climatrol, said reason is called... plot device. :p<br></blockquote><p>No, the real reason why Nei cannot be cloned back is because she is the phyiscal manifestation of a divided consiousness within Neifirst in the form of her offspring. Basically, she is a part of Neifirst, so therefore if Neifirst dies, Nei dies as well.

A fairly obvious question

Postby Benoit » Mon Feb 28, 2005 4:36 pm

Yeah, the reason was because he had been at 0 HP for too long, and fighting at the same time.<br> <blockquote>However, if you need the real reason why they didn't resurrected Alys, is the same why the PS2 crew didn't clone Nei even after you cloned her like a hundred thousand times before you got to the climatrol, said reason is called... plot device.</blockquote><br>At least in Phantasy Star, there's a good reason for it. I don't think there was a real reason as to why Aeris died in FFVII because of a stupid dagger.<br> <blockquote>Better question yet: why did Alys have to take the shot at all? Why couldn't Chaz have gotten hit? He certainly deserved it more that she did, the brat.</blockquote><br>Explain yourself using game evidence, please. :@

A fairly obvious question

Postby Kars! » Mon Feb 28, 2005 6:39 pm

in ff you simply are knocked out <br>

A fairly obvious question

Postby CelticWhisper » Mon Feb 28, 2005 7:49 pm

It's done through a clever little bit of semantics.<p>Characters who are flatlining aren't dead. They're only "on the verge of death." That way, when characters are actually dying (Meese, Reshel, Mile, Molcum, Alys), they can say there's no way to revive them, because Rever or Regen are simply the Algoian equivalent of paddles and chest compressions.<p>Tricky tricky!<p>As for Chaz deserving it more, at the time, we all felt like he did. Beautiful thing about PSIV, though, is the way the characters mature and change as the story goes on. By the end, Alys' sacrifice seems that much more powerful, as evidenced by the scene in the secret chamber of the Esper Mansion.<p>And I am of the camp who believes the Alys vision should've said "And by the way, Chaz...your swing is STILL too slow."


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