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PostPosted: Tue Jul 28, 2015 3:49 am
by etony33
In Phantasy Star I, there is a town in Motavia called Uzo. The town is not on an island. Among other things, people there tell you about the frade mantle and the flute.

Fast forward to Phantasy Star II. There is an island called "Uzo Island". It contains no town called Uzo. You need to go there to get the Maruera leaves to open up Climatrol.

In Phantasy Star IV, there is a town called Uzo that is on an island. They seem to have been cut off from the rest of the island. Someone there tells you about how great the Frade Mantle is (just as someone did in PSI) despite the fact that the Frade Mantle in PSIV is not very powerful at all. Someone else there says they come from a long line of musicians and that one of his ancestors loved played the flute (which strongly suggests that this Uzo has a connection to the Uzo in PSI)

Anyone have any explanation for all this?

Re: Uzo

PostPosted: Wed Aug 19, 2015 11:02 pm
by Yasha
I've always looked at it this way.

Uzo in PS1 was surrounded by mountains and near a lake, thus a great place for people to establish a village/settlement on Motavia. Then 1000 years pass over which time Motavia is slowly terraformed by the Governors (with support from Palman government as well, no doubt).

Its relatively easy to imagine that with Motavia becoming greener over the millenium the once ideal location for Uzo (the town) is no longer a prime place for a settlement. Just looking at the map for PS2 shows just how far from all the other towns that Uzo Island is, which would likely put it well away from trade routes. The mountainous region would likely have remained a haven for monsters, giving people another reason to move. Its also possible that the location of the town itself was below sea level and that the town would have to be abandoned once an actual ocean started to appear on Motavia during the terraforming process.

Jump forward another 1000 years into PSIV and there is Uzo the town again, on an island. Whether this location is meant to imply that it is the same one from PS1 or the same island from PS2 is up to question. Personally, I like to think that once Motavia began to dry out again, people had to start thinking more about resources than convenience when choosing where to place their settlements, more like in PS1 than PS2. There could also be plenty of other reasons as to why folks would move out to an otherwise deserted island. Perhaps that location would be good for sea trade? Thats my take, anyway.

Re: Uzo

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 4:05 am
by etony33
That doesn't explain why the people in PS4 Uzo are talking about the Frade Mantle (just as they did in PS1) and one of them says that their ancestor loved to play the flute (someone you talk to in Uzo in PS1 says he buried a flute under a tree in Gothic).

It clearly implies that the people in PS4 Uzo have a connection to those in PS1. What that connection is, I have no idea.

Re: Uzo

PostPosted: Sun Mar 28, 2021 12:48 am
by zio_falz
After Mother Brain came, people flocked to cities; why say on a remote island?

Then, remember the name of the gay music dude from PSII, Ustvestia? The initial part of his name sounds close to Uzo, correct? Like his surname suggests 'someone from Uzo'