Why Phantasy Star 3 Has Cyborgs and Not Androids

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Why Phantasy Star 3 Has Cyborgs and Not Androids

Postby Seiragos » Mon Mar 28, 2022 2:46 am

Once again, I've been delving deeper into the lore of the classic series. :lol:

Here's something interesting that I've noticed. According to various sources, Phantasy Star 3 refers to Wren and other robots as "cyborgs". This is in contrast to Phantasy Star 4, which refers to them as "androids".

There's been some debate I believe on whether this is because of translation errors, but here's an odd little bit of trivia.

Phantasy Star 4's Wren cannot use Techniques and has no Mental Stat. The same goes for Demi. This is attributed to the fact that they are androids.

Phantasy Star 3's Wren, however, can use Techniques. If he was also an android, wouldn't it be impossible for him to do so? I think that because he is a cyborg (and therefore has biological components), he is capable of casting Techs.

What do you guys think? Was the android/cyborg naming convention intentional? Or just a coincidence?
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Re: Why Phantasy Star 3 Has Cyborgs and Not Androids

Postby etony33 » Mon Mar 28, 2022 10:34 pm

The evolution of technology branched off at the time of the Alisa III's departure, and the Orakians clearly had the advantage over their Algolian brethren when it came to developing machines that could battle. That's all I took it as.
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Re: Why Phantasy Star 3 Has Cyborgs and Not Androids

Postby Hawksaber » Fri Apr 29, 2022 2:40 am

Could it be that Wren is further enhanced as an android by the time the PS4 timeline arrives?
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