Things I don't like about Final Fantasy games

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Things I don't like about Final Fantasy games

Postby kieranmartin6223 » Tue Sep 13, 2022 2:39 am

One of the things I don't like about Final Fantasy games is that there are always a lot of pointless boss fights.

Its a boss for the sake of having a boss. I mean not all caves have to have a monster in them.

The Final Fantasy fans disagree with me though and I have had a few debates with them

PS2 only has 3 bosses. But each one is very epic and memorable. PS3 also only has a few bosses but each one is important to the story. Ps1 and 4 maybe a bit...but I wouldnt leave any of them out.

So what does everyone else think?
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Re: Things I don't like about Final Fantasy games

Postby DarkMyau » Sat Apr 01, 2023 4:05 am

It is kinda odd that every section seems to need a boss.

But the whole ending up way OP is also very strange. You shouldn't be able to kill the final boss in 2 hits.
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Re: Things I don't like about Final Fantasy games

Postby Cherok » Tue Apr 11, 2023 2:28 pm

I sort of like the regular bosses - it changed up the constant random battling in a new way. Plot-wise, I also like how some section bosses in FF6 for example didn't even have a story element. Like in Zozo - there's a dude with MC Hammer pants who's obviously tougher than the rest, but there's no pointless story around him. The same goes for the boss that lives in the painting in the auction house later in the game -- just a weird spirit who gives the player an extra challenge.

I do like how early PS games paid off only the three bosses with plot action, but I REALLY liked how PS4 had plot driven section bosses over dungeon bosses. Too frequent is not good. Too sparse is not good.
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Re: Things I don't like about Final Fantasy games

Postby etony33 » Mon Jul 31, 2023 12:18 pm

I enjoy Final Fantasy games. In fact, I'm playing through Final Fantasy X right now. As I'm doing so, I can't help but notice a lot (and I mean a LOT) of similarities between it and Phantasy Star III.

The (false) teachings about the destructive force from 1000 years ago, the bigotry between groups because one of the groups uses machines, the existence of people still not dead and gone from hundreds of years in the past, the realization that everything everyone had believed was a's all there
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Re: Things I don't like about Final Fantasy games

Postby etony33 » Tue Aug 01, 2023 8:44 am

Anyway, Phantasy Star IV has quite a few bosses.

Phantasy Star (the first one), it depends how you define boss. If it's defined as "an enemy in a set location that you are required to fight and defeat in order to advance the plot", Saccubus (who you don't have to defeat) and Robotcop (who you don't have to fight) are out, as are Red Dragon, Medusa, Tarjimal, etc. There are actually only a handful.

-Dr. Mad
-Blue (Casba) Dragon
-Titan (Aeroprism)
-Gold Dragon

Think that's it. The rest are optional. You can beat the game without anyone's best equipment, it just becomes more difficult.
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