...i thought they were already down? o.O
i mean, BB was shut down not too long ago....i thought PSO ep. 1 & 2 had gone long before that.
EDIT: didn't realize you were talking about the xbox version...is it still christmas there?
anyway, i have many fond memories of ep. 1 and 2 but i have already moved on to PSU...and really, i don't think i would go back to PSO even if i had the option to. (well, i guess with schthack i do, but meh) i tried playing the GC version again not too long ago (offline obviously) but it just felt way too clunky and well...old. =/ playing a ranger feels absolutely terrible going from PSU -> PSO, though hunter and techer fare a little better. i'm aware there are a lot of people who prefer PSO over PSU, but for me...i can't go back. ^^;
anyway a lot of stuff from PSO is getting added to PSU, so there's that. though personally, i'd rather see all-new content added, not stuff ripped from PSO and clumsily dumped into PSU.