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Postby Neo48 » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:23 pm

I would have tried it myself but I don't have PSO with me.

Anyone know if you can access online using the Wii?
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Re: PSO Wii

Postby thriwren » Fri Apr 11, 2008 9:56 pm

Neo48 wrote:I would have tried it myself but I don't have PSO with me.

Anyone know if you can access online using the Wii?
You cannot. The wifi in the wii is not seen by gamecube games. You will get an "Insert BBA" error.
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Postby Neo48 » Fri Apr 11, 2008 11:56 pm

Backwards compatability my ass! :evil:

Oh well :P
PSO (GC) - NEO: HUcast LV 176
PSOBB Schthack (PC) - Redrian: HUcast LV 25
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Postby thriwren » Mon Apr 14, 2008 2:55 am

Neo48 wrote:Backwards compatability my ass! :evil:

Oh well :P
99% yes, but not many games took use of the modem or BBA
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Postby Neo48 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 4:04 am

Thats true. I believe only PSO, Mario Kart: DD!, and 1080 Avalanche used the BB Adapter...
PSO (GC) - NEO: HUcast LV 176
PSOBB Schthack (PC) - Redrian: HUcast LV 25
PSU (PC) - Neo: Male Cast Acrofighter LV 161 R.I.P.
PS0 (DS) - Neon: HUcaseal LV 82
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Postby thriwren » Mon Apr 14, 2008 5:52 pm

Neo48 wrote:Thats true. I believe only PSO, Mario Kart: DD!, and 1080 Avalanche used the BB Adapter...
Also Kirby air ride. Also, I know with the original PSO release you can use the BBA to load up homebrew stuff and linux. Would of been cool to play PSO on a private server over the Wii. Also, Nintendo has blocked people (on Wii) from using Action Replay, which hurts the one who use it for loading import GC games and such.
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Postby Neo48 » Mon Apr 14, 2008 6:45 pm

Reggie strikes again! SAVE THE CHILDREN :o
PSO (GC) - NEO: HUcast LV 176
PSOBB Schthack (PC) - Redrian: HUcast LV 25
PSU (PC) - Neo: Male Cast Acrofighter LV 161 R.I.P.
PS0 (DS) - Neon: HUcaseal LV 82
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Postby Abominae » Mon Apr 14, 2008 8:22 pm

Whew, it's a good thing I came to this thread. As I mentioned in the thread GC - PSO blah blah blah, I have a friend who can help me get online with PSO. I don't know if Wii can only be used online thru Wi-Fi or if it's possible to use it thru ethernet or whatever other options might be available. I have a GC and he has a Wii (he also has a GC, but two GC are kinda pointless in this matter).

What're my options?

Postby The HuBBs » Mon Apr 14, 2008 9:33 pm

i thought i read somewhere at the launch that the wii has no regional lockout.
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Postby BenoitRen » Mon Apr 14, 2008 10:27 pm

Probably the same thing as all other consoles. Region lock-out is now enforced by the game instead of the console.

You could use the FreeLoader on the Wii in the beginning. But this stopped being possible with firmware updates. There's currently a Wii FreeLoader for sale that works, though.
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