PSO soundtrack in format other than MIDI and MP3

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Postby Abominae » Tue Oct 07, 2008 6:18 pm

1 - Entered Blue Laguna (w.bluelaguna.c)
2 - Clicked on most reasonable search. (Blue Music)
3 - Was redirected to no-name search engine.
4 - Got irritated and left.

Postby Heroic_Chaz » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:41 pm

Um, it's actually
sorry about that.
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Postby Danny » Tue Oct 07, 2008 7:51 pm

I tried searching for PSO music right now with Google but all I stumbled upon were MP3s and a few midis. If you can't find any other format except for those two, you can always use winamp or another program to convert the MP3 files into .wav. Winamp seems to do a fine job when it comes to converting files. It comes with a .wav plugin when you download it. You can also get many more conversion plugins off of Winamp's site but if you don't want to download them all, you can always search for some thing called "Xilisoft Audio Converter" which can convert audio files to almost all other formats. Of course, the free demo version can only convert two songs at a time per session. Then you have to close and re-open the program to convert two more files. I recommend winamp though for converting into .wav file format since it has no such limit. :)
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Postby Zucca » Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:00 pm

Abominae wrote:I'm not actually sure. My best guess would be .wav but whichever format is high quality will work.
Then I suggest flac.
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Postby Zucca » Tue Oct 07, 2008 11:13 pm

Heroic_Chaz wrote:For some reason, the midis won't work on my mp3 player. it just doesn't show up. Anyone have a solution to this?
Hm. Are you trolling? :D What I know is that cell phones are only mobile devices that can play midis (aka. polyphonic ringtones). I don't know how it is with most modern phones.

So basically midi is a tracker music. Like s3m, xm, mod... and so on, but midi does not contain the sound samples for the instruments.
MP3 is stream and doesn't contain tracks for instruments. ... _Interface ... ring_tones
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Postby Abominae » Wed Oct 08, 2008 4:30 am

Zucca wrote:
Heroic_Chaz wrote:For some reason, the midis won't work on my mp3 player. it just doesn't show up. Anyone have a solution to this?
Hm. Are you trolling? :D What I know is that cell phones are only mobile devices that can play midis (aka. polyphonic ringtones). I don't know how it is with most modern phones.

You'd be dead wrong about that. Keyboards and synthesizers specialize in midi's. You can find keyboards that can record/store/play/ AND edit .midi files directly on the keyboard itself.

Plus, there are keyboards that have guitar cord jacks (the enormous headphones looking jack, I forget the size), stereo jacks, among other useful input devices.

When it comes to .Midis ... Keyboards are the sh*t.

And the reason your MP3 player won't play midis is... Well, if I really have to answer that, you probably shouldn't be messing with different formats in the first place.

Anyway, I haven't had the chance to try that .net laguna yet. I'll try tomorrow. And from what I understand .flac is a high quality audio format, but .wav is full (highest) quality digital audio. Only thing better than that is vinyl.

But I like Danny's idea. I might try that after all...

Postby Zucca » Wed Oct 08, 2008 7:40 am

Jeah I know that. But I was speaking about portable/mobile devices.
"What I know is that cell phones are only mobile devices that can play midis."
Anyway to correct more: I haven't heard of an mp3-player that can play midis. BUT I surely belive it's possible with some of the iPods where you can install your own software to play midis. Ie. Ipod Touch...
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Postby Heroic_Chaz » Wed Oct 08, 2008 8:49 pm

What is trolling anyway? I've heard the term used, but... anyway, I'm about halfway through PSU now. I like the music quite a bit.
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Postby thriwren » Wed Oct 08, 2008 9:18 pm

Zucca wrote:Jeah I know that. But I was speaking about portable/mobile devices.
"What I know is that cell phones are only mobile devices that can play midis."
Anyway to correct more: I haven't heard of an mp3-player that can play midis. BUT I surely belive it's possible with some of the iPods where you can install your own software to play midis. Ie. Ipod Touch...
Maybe with ipod linux or rokbox.
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Postby Abominae » Fri Oct 24, 2008 6:16 pm

Been looking and still squat. If anyone is able to get a hold of these, let me know. Will have to wait till I can get a computer unless I hear something within the next week and a half.


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