WING-0, Wed Jul 15, 2009 12:45 pm wrote:So, I`m next to the teleporter for the final boss in Ep2.
My HUnewearl is Lv 30, my MAG is a bulky Varaha and I'm packing a set of Knives, a Pallasch and a Lockgun. Is it too early for me to take on this behemoth I have never seen? Or is it okay to go in?
I'm mainly asking because I can take scapedolls, but I see no point in wasting them. Any suggestions?
Little update: I gave it a shot without bringing scapedolls. I beat the first form, but then the second overpowered me. WOW! That was cool!
Awesome music!
thriwren, Wed Jul 15, 2009 6:00 pm wrote:I know. Olga is great.
BenoitRen, Thu Jul 16, 2009 5:01 pm wrote:He'll be tough at LV30. But it's possible with patience and knowledge of the first form's patterns. Plus, you already have a Pallasch!
Oh, yes! The Olga Flow music is AWESOME!
WING-0, Thu Jul 16, 2009 7:48 pm wrote:BenoitRen wrote:He'll be tough at LV30. But it's possible with patience and knowledge of the first form's patterns. Plus, you already have a Pallasch!
Oh, yes! The Olga Flow music is AWESOME!
It is... *droolz*
I gave it another go. The first form doesn't present much of a problem, but the second is completely different. I can't beat that gigantic sucker.
BenoitRen, Thu Jul 16, 2009 8:45 pm wrote:Anticipate and run away from its LASERS OF DOOM!
Neo48, Thu Jul 16, 2009 11:36 pm wrote:No one ever believes me, but use a Slicer weapon. It gives you range and it hits his feet/pets.
WING-0, Fri Jul 17, 2009 3:28 am wrote:Hmmm... I'm gonna go buy one the next time I play... Or... I think I have a Spinner already.
Abominae, Mon Jul 27, 2009 7:52 pm wrote:I found and use a VARISTA. Have a good chunk of rares, mostly copies of rares I already have (4x DISKA OF LIBERATOR!!! WTF!?). It's still my most effective weapon.
Oh, and I made it to VERY HARD at lvl 54.
WING-0, Tue Jul 28, 2009 10:18 am wrote:DAMN j00!!!
eye wants rarez...
But it are not has rarez yet...
boo hoo...
Abominae, Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:25 pm wrote:I have yet to find a reason to pick melee weapons over ranged weapons.
While Neo48 makes a good point, I just don't think slicers can pack the punch needed to make them a good choice. I've tried them myself and often have a great deal of difficulty getting most of my targets in 1 attack, let alone all 3.
My Varista has full grinder up.
Oh, and this is just me gloating, but I have both the Booma's arm and Gibooma's arm. Along with a CRUSH BULLET, 4 Add Slots, 2x Photon things, 2 CLUB OF LACONIAN, 3 DB's SABER, 2 DISKA OF (?? I forgot the name ??), and of course, SOUL EATER & AKIKO'S FRYING PAN.
Oh, and I have a PHOTON CLAW on my HUNewearl.
BenoitRen, Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:49 pm wrote:Melee weapons are stronger, have more variety, and look cooler.
Abominae, Tue Jul 28, 2009 6:52 pm wrote:I mean from a strategic standpoint. Using guns is kinda boring... but it keeps me from having to walk all the f***'in the way to where I got my ass handed to me.
That usually happens in Ep.2 because those damn monkeys that freeze you and the accompanying monsters that beat you... without asking to. Crying or Very sad
And the bots in the sealab. those get me a LOT.
BenoitRen, Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:28 pm wrote:Place a telepipe every once in a while. Problem solved.
Abominae, Tue Jul 28, 2009 7:37 pm wrote:Except for the fact that I still die. Which is why I use the Varista almost exclusively. I switch out when I get bored of it.
Also, I may end up dropping PSO on the GC all together and just switch to BB as soon as I get my laptop.
I reached my 999999 Meseta cap and... well... that's just bullsh*t.
BenoitRen, Tue Jul 28, 2009 8:13 pm wrote:I suggested putting up a telepipe every once in a while so you wouldn't have to walk all the way back to the place where you got your ass handed to you. Of course a telepipe isn't going to stop you from dying.
Yes, you get a lot of money in PSO. It was worse on the Dreamcast. On PSO: Episode I & II, rare items sell for 10 Meseta. On Dreamcast, they sold for a nice chunk of money. You could amass 100000+ Meseta from a Very Hard Ruins run.