I'm almost done with updating this site's PSO weapons pages to PSO: Episode I & II. The problem now is that some weapons are hard to categorise.
Everyone who has played PSO will have seen them: weapons that are of a certain class but behave like another. For example, the Victor Axe is a saber, but its animation is that of a sword. Other examples: Evil Curst and Sting Tip are wands, but they animate like sabers.
Weapons that aren't so clear-cut are Inferno Bazooka and Flame Visit, among others. They have the animation of a shot, but it only shoots one projectile at one target. So I've categorised them as rifles, because I consider how they are used to be more important than the animation they use, unlike PSOW which does the reverse.
But then you have an entire new category of "launchers". So now I'm wondering if that's what they should be in, despite having the shot animation.
Finally, you have another new category: cards. At least, that's how PSOW names them. Examples are Hitogata, Whitill Card, and Guardianna. But there aren't only actual cards in that category. I've never used one, so I don't know how they work, but would those be best called boomerangs?