by Neo48 » Sat Feb 28, 2004 8:42 pm
Ok here are my characters!<p>Neo<br>Hucast<br>Redria<br>I'll go anywhere!<br>Boss...hmmm? It would have to be Gol Dragon. He's a challenge when he multiply's.<br>Description: The powerhouse. Big Health. Big Power. Sato Mag set up with a mylla youlla boost, so i can go crazy on enemies! Uses Demoltion Comet, Chain Sawd, L&K Combats, Red Handgun. Don't forget the purple shock effect from my Electroframe!<p>El majico<br>Fomarl<br>Greenill<br>Description: Of cousre she has the harmless look, but add in the 280 MST added by the mag, and the 2 God Techniques + 2 God Minds, and being pumped with Hp Materials like they were steroids, and u have a devastating force that pounds in all spells at there maxxed level. Uses the rare Summit Moon.<p>Alias<br>Racast<br>Viridia<br>Description: Despite looking like a wall, this character as some will know has bad defense. But when he's 20 meters away packin the heat of his Red Scorpio and Final Impact, well, lets say its a slaughter, though as shown below where my other character info is, he hasn't gotten in the Ultimate club yet, but he's on his way! Also enjoys using the rare Red Mechguns. Plus he has a maxxed 100 Luck. Beware!<p>These is probably my most in depth descriptions ever, but you ask and i will answer. <p>PS: Lvls are at the bottom, and will always change!