Ok, here's my masterful strategy. ^_~<br>It's long, but you asked for it!<p>When he does the "Going along the ceiling and making boulders fall" attack, you should go to the nearest edge to him on the right corner...Like this:<p>

<p>Go so far up to the corner that it looks as if your guy should topple of the side, as one of his feet will be sticking off the side of the raft. The boulders should miss you, but one every 10 times or so, you may get hit. If it just doesn't work use the top left corner.<p>When his does the "Shooting purple floaty balls" attack you should go to the nearest edge to him again, and on the right hand corner. So using the above diagram, he will now be on the right, and you should be on the bottom-right corner. This is a risky thing, it isn't that reliable but works fairly well. <p>Thirdly, when he does his "Shooting bio-mines at you, which you have to kill before they explode" attack; If he does the ones that follow you, then you just have to kill them. There's no two ways about it. If however he does the ones that land in a formation like the five dots on a dice, then just kill one of the ones in the corner and get into that corner.<p>After a while he'll slam his big ugly head onto the raft. You can tell when he's gonna do this as he loiters at the side of the raft for a while then just submerges for a second.<p>The threat here is his weird prong things. Basically, I found that with a HU you can go "Weak, Strong, Strong" three-hit combo attack, then "Weak, Weak" two-hit...then just run around crazily and his prong should miss. Basically it's delayed between when it locks onto you finally, and when it shoots at you. Then as soon as you've avoided his first prong, go "Weak, Strong, Strong" 3-hit. Run again. Do this twice more. He will shoot down a prong four times in total. After that go crazy on him until he pulls away. The timing of the attacks may vary for your RA but the idea is to avoid his prongs by fitting the attacks inbetween the strikes perfectly.<p>Whoo...this is longer than I anticipated!<p>Ok, after you've done so much damage the lights will go out. If he does any of the above attacks the strategy remains the same. But he will have a new attack now.<p>He will lurk at the bottom edge of the raft then rear up in the air like a snake when it's about to strike. He'll shoot a laser beam at you, here's how to avoid it: Run in a small circle on either the left or right side of the raft. You'll hear a "ffffftt!" noise; that's him charging his laser. When you hear that, run to the other side of the raft and start running in a little circle again. <br>When you hear the "Pffffttt!" run off again. I think this happens four times in total.<p>You know you're getting somewhere when his ugly mask bursts off, revealing him to be even uglier than before!<p>If you use this tactic you'll only ever really get hit by the occasional purple floaty ball, and by the bio-mines that follow you
if you're not strong enough to destroy them in time.<p>I used this tactic to defeat him with a very low level HU, I can't remember what level she was exactly, but basically two hits from the prong would kill her. >.<