by FOrave » Mon Apr 18, 2005 3:10 pm
<blockquote><i>Originally posted by FOrave</i><p>I know what you mean about it being hard. my first character (RAcast named Jenova) had the biggest problem killing de rol le.<br></blockquote><p><blockquote><i>Originally posted by Mage1</i><p>What level were you at that time?<p>Also, Androids have a <b>big</b> disadvantage, it's a disadvantage of being an android because you can't use <b>resta</b>, resta the healing tech is my life, since I use it too much, I <b>guess</b> I use it ove <b>300</b> times.<br></blockquote><br>I was only level 15 bet it was still hard. my weapon was a heat rifle +10