Oh Zio, the holy one!

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Oh Zio, the holy one!

Postby Black Waltz 0 » Wed Jan 23, 2008 1:45 pm

*Has a seizure* @_@

But seriously, I just thought I'd put forth something that has come to my mind, but has probably already been debated about long ago. :o

Simply put; who the hell is Zio? I know he's a dark evil magician who works for Dark Force but obviously there's got to be some reason WHY he's there on Motavia in the first place with Rune hunting him down.

Is he from Dezoris and the esper mansion? Is he an esper at all? Or is he just some schmuk DF pulled out of obscurity and gave super awesome evil powers to? Did Rune maybe know him before he became an evil jerk?

Thoughts? Theories? Ideas?

Anyway, I gotta go to bed now. Night all. :)
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Postby Lord Khyron » Wed Jan 23, 2008 7:25 pm

Well.. According to the compendium, His left hand has become monsterized.

Zio is a Black Magician. Meaning he might be of Esper stock.

Besides.. According to the compendium you pronounce it "Zeo" XD I'll put what the compendium has on him.

Zio - same (could be "Jio" too. The ending sound is pronounced "ee-oh", not "ai-oh")

A black magician who worships Dark Force. He has founded an evil cult and made Nurvus run amok to cause destruction. He wears a gauntlet on only one arm to hide the fact that his right arm has been monster-fied [sorry, there isn't really another English equivalent - his hand is kinda gnarled and "demonized", comme ça]. He is the opponent in the first half of the tale.

AGE: ? HIGH: 184 cm [about 6'½"] TYPE: Magician
Picture Captions:
[Dark Force behind Zio] At left is an excerpt from an enemy settei sheet. All paths in the game lead to this scene.
[chibi Zio] Since his right hand was monsterized, he wears a gauntlet.

So make your own conclusions. Incidentally, the 3 tallest characters in PS IV in order are: Raja (6' 8 1/2"), Wren (6'7") and Zio (6' 1/2") ROFL
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Postby Thanatos » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:10 am

I've always been of the belief that Zio was an esper at one point, but perhaps dabbled where he shouldn't with their abilities, or didn't quite hold the beliefs of his fellow espers.

Anyhow, WAS Rune hunting Zio? DID he know him? When Alys asks him at their first meeting in the game, he claims he's not sure, which suggests one of two things: Either he didn't know Zio and may have just been hunting a rogue esper (if at all), or he was outright lying. One might argue that he was looking for the Motavians to recover the psycho wand to defeat Zio, since that's the only thing that could, but was that its only function? Perhaps he just wanted to claim a bit of his esper heritage as the new Lutz, and all the sh*t hit the fan. But this raises another question.

How did Rune know about Tonoe? If he'd been there recently, he would have gone to Dorin sooner about his wand. I can only guess that he knew the Motavians had a 'backup settlement' and he merely went to Molcum thinking it'd still be there.

Personally I'd believed Rune had some level of clairvoyance to tell him about the people of Algo. He knew Chaz was important but underqualified for the task ahead. He surveyed the damage of Molcum as if waiting for the group to arrive and point them to the northeast. He knew Alys and Chaz might go after Zio, and warned them against it. He wanted them to wait, I believe, until he got the wand, to ensure an even playing-field. He knew, moments before it was going to happen, that Alys was going to die, and there was nothing he could do.

One of the things Black Waltz mentioned struck me just now:

Simply put; who the hell is Zio? I know he's a dark evil magician who works for Dark Force but obviously there's got to be some reason WHY he's there on Motavia in the first place with Rune hunting him down.

It's obvious that Zio went to Motavia because it was the easiest place to begin destruction, having taken control of the planetary maintenance system and its control droid, and causing chaos by butchering cities and creating monsters (was I the only one that thought the blocks of scrap by Kadary were ruined cities?). What gets me is this:

I would assume that in his lifetime, Rune has been to Dezolis before, and in fact to the Esper Mansion, because the elder near the inner sanctum knows him by name, and even the higher-up guards recognize him. However, it seems he's also known by Alys and Dorin, who I believe have never left Motavia, and have known them for some time. Assuming Rune was on Motavia to hunt down Zio, and assuming Zio was in fact a rogue Esper, the simple question remains:

How the heck did they travel between the planets?

The only ships available exist on machine-stations which tend to remain hidden from the populace (with the exception of the plate system). Landing platforms are buried, factories are on islands or otherwise underground, so it's pretty obvious that no ships were used. The only way that were possible would be that Dark Force had arranged another alliance, instructed them to Nurvus, and sent a ship to obtain Zio. That still leaves Rune hanging though. So let's assume one of their abilities can do it. Why were the ships necessary, then? It's not Ryuka because you can't use it to go to Dezolian (Dezorian?) cities while on Motavia. (might have something to do with magical transport across vaccum-planes, but that kills the ability to travel between worlds.)

Any (serious) ideas? :P
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Postby BenoitRen » Thu Jan 24, 2008 12:33 am

I believe Zio was a normal human or a lunatic that Dark Force 'picked up', corrupted, and infused with dark powers.

I think Rune had this inter-planetary travel spell. Hey, he is the fifth-generation Lutz, so he must be quite powerful.

As for Molcum, I think Rune happened to pass by there on his way to Tonoe, and we happen to meet him there.
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Postby Lord Khyron » Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:01 am

Compendium to the rescue! Here we go.. Now this is the past..

Thray's Past
At the age of 15, having inherited Lutz's will and memory, Thray was made lord of Esper Mansion and underwent strict astetic training. After that, Thray visited Motabia for further training and to broaden his range of experience. At this time, he became acquainted with Lyla's teacher, the Hunter Galf. Thray, Galf, and Lyla spent four years together, but, after Galf's death, Thray returned to Dezolis.

At age 14, Lyla lost her parents when they were attacked by highwaymen, but she herself was rescued by a Hunter named Galf. She soon met Thray, and the two became close, but, after Galf's death, Thray disappeared. Thray knew that he had to leave sometime and so disappeared to hasten Lyla's own independence. [And so she becomes *too* independent, takes on Zio against Thray's advice, and gets killed. Good plan, Thray.]

LOL Good ole Thray.. His plan got Alys killed XD
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Postby Danny » Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:38 am

BenoitRen wrote:I believe Zio was a normal human or a lunatic that Dark Force 'picked up', corrupted, and infused with dark powers.

That's what I was thinking too. He was probably some normal person with a grudge of some sort. Dark Force most likely sensed this and made him even more evil by further corrupting his mind and body (by making his right hand demonic for example).

As for how Rune got to Motavia from DezolisL To pursue Zio which he and the other Espers sensed was evil and under the influence of DF, he either used a very powerful Ryuka tech (or in a group effort with other Espers) to get there. Eitehr that or he used a space ship to get to Mota that got destroyed shortly afterwards or whatever. If he did and can use planet teleporting Ryuka techs, why didn't he just get back to Dezo that way with the rest of the party rather than having to find a space shuttle? Maybe the ship was his and he didn't say anything? Perhaps he was born on Mota from the start and the other Espers somehow knew that he was the new Lutz on Mota and that's why the guards reckonised him?

Is there any offical stuff on this? It sounds pretty interesting.
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Postby janejana » Thu Jan 24, 2008 7:45 am

i always assumed it was the 'once normal guy goes crazy with promised power' thing. i'm boring like that. ^^

as for the magician part -- it's possible that not every esper went into hiding on Dezolis during the Mother Brain era, and over the years after the Great Collapse forgot their ability to use magic. so there would be people with magical potential outside of the Esper Mansion, but their existence would be unknown.

or the Profound Darkness gave him the powers. personally, that's what i go with =P

(what i want to know is...how did his arm get all monster-y? =0 )
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Postby Black Waltz 0 » Thu Jan 24, 2008 10:50 am

I remember reading a fanfiction years ago which had the idea that Rune used the Ladea tower to travel from Motavia to Dezoris and back, kind of like a magic bridge in the sky (Like the Elw towers from Wild Arms). It was of course merely fiction, but that idea seemed pretty original to me and stuck in my mind.

On a lighter note, perhaps Zio used to wander around the entrance to Kadary repeating the phrase 'Welcome to Kadary!' until something inside of him snapped. :wink:
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Postby Lord Khyron » Thu Jan 24, 2008 6:22 pm

Well you see..

According to the compendium, Dark force LOVES the Lashiec bloodline. Especially descendants.

When the ships escaped, two members of the Lashiec bloodline were on the ships. One of those descendants was Rulakir Sa Riik. The other could possibly be Orakio.

Ohario Sa Riik was the ancestor of Orakio.

I think Lashiec's bloodline still existed on Mota but in secret. Just like Gene was secret..

What's funny is.. LAYA started the Dev War!

Dark Force deluded Laia's heart and caused her to start the war, but she finally came to understand that she was being used and, together with Orakio's power, overthrew Dark Force.
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Postby BenoitRen » Thu Jan 24, 2008 8:53 pm

If he did and can use planet teleporting Ryuka techs, why didn't he just get back to Dezo that way with the rest of the party rather than having to find a space shuttle?

Well... By the time they have to go to space, they go to Zelan, not Dezolis. Rune doesn't know that place. Next they want to go to Kuran, another place Rune doesn't know. After that, a space ship is always available, so why bother? It could be pretty draining. Maybe it only works on one person.

Also, such a powerful Technique would surely give away that he's more than he seems (though he could just as well go "It's magic! Hahahaha!").
Perhaps he was born on Mota from the start and the other Espers somehow knew that he was the new Lutz on Mota and that's why the guards reckonised him?

No, he definitely has been on Dezolis before, if only to inherit Lutz' will and memories through the Telepathy Ball.
When the ships escaped, two members of the Lashiec bloodline were on the ships. One of those descendants was Rulakir Sa Riik. The other could possibly be Orakio.

Orakio and Rulakir are twin brothers, so of course they'd be of the same bloodline. Duh.
Ohario Sa Riik was the ancestor of Orakio.

That's Compendium retconning PSII and all.
Just like Gene was secret..

She's from the drama CD, which is questionable canonically.
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Postby Mister Death » Tue Jan 29, 2008 3:48 am

the PS1 teleportation techniques could get you between planets.
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Postby Thanatos » Tue Jan 29, 2008 6:04 am

Mister Death wrote:the PS1 teleportation techniques could get you between planets.

...you know, this might explain how Shir manages to get back to Mota from Dezo without taking the spaceship...
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Postby BenoitRen » Tue Jan 29, 2008 11:50 am

the PS1 teleportation techniques could get you between planets.

True! That was magic, though, and Rune knows magic!
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Postby Black Waltz 0 » Wed Jan 30, 2008 7:36 am

BenoitRen wrote:
the PS1 teleportation techniques could get you between planets.

True! That was magic, though, and Rune knows magic!

Somebody should draw a picture of Rune flying through space, arms outstretched, with magic trailing behind him. :D
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Postby thriwren » Wed Jan 30, 2008 8:12 pm

Black Waltz 0 wrote:
BenoitRen wrote:
the PS1 teleportation techniques could get you between planets.

True! That was magic, though, and Rune knows magic!

Somebody should draw a picture of Rune flying through space, arms outstretched, with magic trailing behind him. :D
I thought of Rune holding his nose and doing the biggest Flaeli ever to get him around.
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